Monday, August 14, 2006

First Time Blogger

Well this is my first attempt at blogging - is that what you call it? I have been hearing and reading about everyone's blog but have been slow to get started myself. Normally I am very quick with technology but something has always seemed kind of weird about just typing random information about myself for all the world to view - but, I may as well jump on board now - right???

I have just gotten through a very hectic weekend. My son, Harper turned one last week and we had his first birthday party on Saturday. Who knew a first birthday could be so stressful. Now, I know why people decide not to host them at their homes and instead rent out a place - less hassle, less mess and more predictable. It was a great weekend though - my sister and niece flew out from Tennessee and my mom (from Virginia) also surprised us by flying out as well. Poor things - they flew on Thursday when all of the terror alerts were taking place so it wasn't the most fun day to be travelling.

All in all, the party went off without a hitch. He really enjoyed diving into his cake and made a real mess - glad that tradition only happens on the first birthday.

Can't believe a whole year has gone by since his birth - boy how life has changed. Of course, all for the good, but life really is much different - no more really late nights with friends and obviously less money to spend on things like eating out and shopping. But, the rewards of seeing him learn new things every day is worth every penny :)

Now that the party is over, I really have no excuse for procrastinating my thesis - of course that is what I am suppose to be doing now. But, instead I am creating this blog that I am not sure if anyone will even read. I finished all of my classwork last year (less than a week before I had my son) and I have been 1 year working on my thesis. UGH - will the madness ever end!

Well not sure how all of this works so I will sign off for now. But, I have to say it is kind of refreshing to just ramble about nothing without anyone changing the subject. I might really enjoy having my own personal platform to spout nonsense :O

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