Tuesday, November 21, 2006

A Swift Kick to the Gut!

Week 15 and the only thing exciting that has happened is that I felt BB move for the first time yesterday. That is one week earlier than I felt Harper move. Unfortunately I couldn’t really soak in the moment for too long because I was in the middle of a traffic jam rushing to get on the University of Utah campus to pick up my thesis edits from my professor before she left to go on Thanksgiving holiday.

But, if that move is any indication of what activity is yet to occur, I am in big trouble. I remember Harper’s first move as a flutter or a little fish swimming in my tummy. But BB’s move yesterday was a full on somersault with a karate kick to the lower gut. It makes me wonder if I have samurai instead of a 4 inch fetus growing inside of me. All I can think of is how my back is going to hurt over the next several months.

I am copying the link from babycenter.com of how BB is progressing at 15 weeks:


Remember mom this is not an actual sonogram photo of our baby, instead it is a cartoon mock-up of anyone’s baby at this time – just a friendly reminderJ).

I have to admit this pregnancy is similar in some ways to Harper’s but it is very different in some ways too. I thought I would point out some of those similarities and differences that I have noticed thus far:

How is it similar?

Once again I am switching jobs at the 4 month pregnant mark. I recently got a promotion to an HR Manager position. This will keep me at my same company but I will move back to our health plan entity where I have so many friends. There is nothing better than starting a new job, working 5 months, then taking 3 months off. I hope senior management isn’t picking up on any patterns. I really plan for this to be the last baby – I don’t want to be known around the company as the gal who is pregnant every time she lands a promotion.

Carpal tunnel – enough said!

An insane need to complete home projects – with Harper’s pregnancy, Matt and I moved into our house, had the kitchen ripped out, and every wall repainted – all while trying to live in the gigantic mess. This time around we pulled up the carpet in the dining room, living room, hallway, and foyer and had our floors refinished and base boards repainted. Once again living among a mess – but at least this time around we could escape to Matt’s parents house for a delicious dinner and a clean house alternative while things were at their worst. Now, we have decided to have all the windows in our house replaced. What is it with pregnancy and the insatiable need to make changes???

We are just as excited to add another one to the bunch!

How is it different?

Cravings for weird combinations are strong and loud. On Saturday night I had 4 pickles and a popsicle before going to bed. To say the least I needed TUMS by midnight!

Although I haven’t experienced morning sickness, I have experienced a great deal of upset tummy – to the point that I am popping TUMS by the hand full. Even when things sound really good to eat, they just don’t settle well. I hope this is not a sign that BB is going to be a picky eater. My stomach was never upset with Harper and that child will eat most anything!

I am getting headaches more but this might be due to Harper’s constant begging for me to read/sing Hokey Pokey Elmo for the 20th time each night in combination with some left over fumes from having our floors refinished and our baseboards repainted!

I have very, very little PTO (paid time off) his time around. When Harper was born I took 12 weeks with full pay. I was really getting use to not working but still having a full check every other week. But, this time around we are going to have to save, save, save so we aren’t stressed and poor when BB comes along!

We have most everything we need for a new little one. Matter of fact, we have a crib that is like brand new because Harper likes to curl up to mommy and daddy instead of stretching out in a bed all his own.

Instead of one butt to diaper, one mouth to feed, and one baby to bathe we are going to have 2! I guess we will both have our hands full now – There will be no more, “you watch Harper while I do this”…. Instead, it will be “you take Harper and I will take BB and we can both be stressed while we try to multi-task”. But, a full house is a happy house… at least that is what my mom always said!

So, in ending you can see that at this point the differences outweigh the similarities. If I believe the “wive’s tales” and the unsolicited advice from other mothers, the prediction would be that the sex of the baby is different than the first. Could it be a girl? Matt thinks that the Brace genes heavily outweigh the possibility that this could happen…. But, we will find out in 3-4 more weeks.

So, until next time – eat tons of Turkey, stuffing and desserts and be thankful that you don’t have to follow it up with a handful of TUMS!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A Brand New Day

Today I broke down and pulled out my stretchy band pants. As any pregnant woman will tell you this is a moment that you approach with trepidation and you sort of dread for some reason. The stretcy band pants just don't have that "sexy" feeling or allure to want to buy multiple pairs in all different colors like my Ann Taylor pants do. But, for the second time, I have asked myself - "What the hell was I putting this moment off for?"

Today is a brand new day - I feel like my thoughts are clearer and I have been whistling continuously (probably because I have more air flow to my brain now!). It feels wonderful to finally bend down and not have to be thinking "are my pants going to split right up the seam? or will my button fly off and knock someone's eye out?". Not today... I'm relishing that I can move with ease, that I won't have to worry that the imprint of both my button and my zipper will be apparent on my stomach for over an hour after taking my work pants off for the evening and most of all I can BREATHE!

This is true "Women's Liberation". Maybe we should all start campaigning for the fashion industry to start putting elastic in everything. Could you imagine how the attitude of all women would change across America if this was an accepted, Oprah approved means of dressing ourselves. I don't think we have seen such a thing since nylons were no longer required in the workplace. Take a moment and ponder the benefits:

1. The lines in the restroom would be much shorter because half the time in the stall is buttoning the five or so buttons that are now on most dress pants.

2. Shopping would be much simpler because we would no longer have to stress about being a 8 in one brand and a 10 in another. You will now just have to ask for S, M, L - just like you are shopping for pj's.

3. You would no longer be overwhelmed by guilt when you have eaten the 3rd piece of chocolate because you would be rid of your buttoned up, cinching waistband that is completely cutting off the oxygen to your brain.

I know there are more but this brain is working overtime. So, at least for now, I am voting for stretchy band pants - get on the band wagon with me!

As for the pregnancy - things are progressing. It will be no time before people will be able to tell. I can already hear the whispers at the water cooler of people who are wondering if I have been dipping in their candy dishes too many times or if I have a bun in the oven. Truthfully the answer is both!

Matt, Harper and I are heading back to VA and TN for the Thanksgiving holiday. We are looking forward to seeing the Collier family but dreading the plane trip now that Harper has developed curiosity, attitude and the freedom to get around on his own - not to mention his ability to throw a tantrum at the most inconvenient moment. But, maybe it will make the time pass by quicker!

Until next time.....

Monday, November 06, 2006

15 Things that Change When You Have a Baby

This is week 13 and the buttons on my pants are working overtime! I think I only have a small window of time left before the stretchy band pants come out. At this point I think I will welcome them with open arms - I will be able to sit down without having to worry if the seams are going to bust. Not to mention that I will probably be getting more oxygen to my brain... I wonder if that is why I am so forgetful and ditzy? Maybe I am oxygen deprived!!!

If you are at all interested, you can click on the link here to see BB's progression for the week. According to babycenter.com, he/she is the size of a jumbo shrimp. Not to mention that BB probably closely resembles the shrimp as well:


I have been surprised at the interest level in the blog - my mom is a dedicated fan and has told me that she goes in every morning and clicks on all the ads so that I can make some money. I wish everyone was this dedicated because I would probably be rich. But, what can you expect from your mom - she would probably read this even if the topic was something crazy like "my various rashes and how I deal with the itching". I have even had several people let me know to add other people to the list because they have forwarded it on... so, I guess all of this writing isn't necessarily in vain.

Since the only thing that is happening in the pregnancy at week 13 is my continual weigh gain and my insatiable appetite, I thought I would borrow another list that I got this week from my favorite website... babycenter.com. This week I got a list that another mother wrote of "Things that Change When You Have a Baby". Some I agree with... some I don't. But, I thought I would share for the purpose of reminding all of those parents whose kids are older, reinforcing for those who have kids who are younger and a matter of warning for those who haven't had children yet - maybe it will be motivation to have kids or maybe it will be motivation to continue practicing safe sex and/or religiously taking your birth control!

Here they are, in no particular order:

1. You look at your baby in the mirror instead of yourself.

This one is obvious because if I were looking at myself more I wouldn’t have cancelled my hair appointment. Right now, my true colors are showing - literally. I have about 2 inches of dark sprouting that doesn’t really complement the blond that I have been trying to be for the last several years.

2. You finally stop to smell the roses, because your baby is in your arms.

So true. Having a baby does make you stop and appreciate the little things that we tend to not make time for in our adult lives. The other day, Harper became enthralled with the water flowing out of the rain gutter on a yucky wet day. Without his excitement, I probably would not have noticed. But, he was so thrilled and wanted to splash his hands through the water that I was forced to watch and actually realized how fun getting a little wet can be. Seeing him smile, laugh, point and utter words that are still uninterruptible was the best part!

3. Where you once believed you were fearless, you now find yourself afraid.

These days I watch the news and read the paper very differently. My heart aches like never before for parents who experience hardship, loss and tragedy with their little ones. Before having a child, I scanned these articles just like I scanned any other thing that didn’t touch my life. But, now, I worry about being a good parent, exposing my child to environmental toxins, teaching them the right lessons, child predators, illness and many other things that are totally out of my control.

4. You're less self-involved and more self-motivated.

You are definitely less self-involved but I wouldn’t go as far as you are self-motivated. Before having Harper, I religiously had a pedicure once per month and had my toes repainted every other week. These days I am walking around with residual red polish from back in the summer – not to mention that I am lucky if I shave my legs once per month (sorry, I know this is probably too much information for many of you, but I only speak the truth). I think if I were more self-motivated I would have lost that 7.8 pounds that hung around a whole year after Harper was born. Do you know how many times I said to myself that I was going to start a diet on Monday? Matter of fact, I joined Weight Watcher’s once and only made it to two meetings….. I wouldn’t exactly call that self-motivated.

5. The sacrifices you thought you made to have a child no longer seem like sacrifices.

Actually it does still seem like sacrifices, but they are worth it. People are kidding you if they tell you that you will just get use to the extra expense. I’m not sure that you ever get use to it, but you just learn to deal with it and you realize that the extra expense is worth it. I am already looking forward to sending the kids to public school and getting a “raise” when we no longer have to pay for daycare – that one really hits you in the gut!

6. You respect your body ... finally. (Hooray for baby-making!)

This was obviously written by a person who was skinny before they had a baby and was back in their regular clothes a week after delivering. I don’t think I would say I “respect” the love handles, stretch marks and extra 7.8 pounds that I did not lose prior to getting pregnant again. Hooray for baby making but boo hoo on the damage it does to the body!

7. You have stronger opinions and are stronger willed.

I think I have always had this problem. Having a child hasn’t done much in changing it.

8. You respect your parents and love them in a new way. (Hooray for grandparents!)

True. Actually Matt and I catch ourselves on occasion doing or saying something that our parents did to us and then laugh and say “OH MY GOSH… WE ARE OUR PARENTS”. I sort of felt guilty when mom told me a couple of months ago that she had me, Lorie and Ashley and never owned a stroller! These days we would probably take up a collection or call social services for a mom walking around with a 6 year old, 4 year old and a new born with no stroller …. Not to mention that none of us had a car seat or even buckled in. I bet one of us held the newborn while mom drove.

9. You believe once again in the things you believed in as a child. (Hooray for the tooth fairy!)

Christmas is actually fun again. Considering that Matt and I are two big kids at heart, I feel like we get to experience our childhood over – except we are having to pay for it rather than mom and dad! I really get into the hoopla that surrounds each of the holidays – this is probably one of the most fun things about having a kid.

10. You lose touch with the people in your life that you should have banished years ago.

Enough said….. some people are just no longer worth the energy. You learn to prioritize the most important things.

11. Bodily functions are no longer repulsive. In fact, they please you. (Hooray for poop!)

Call me weird but I think it is still repulsive. I think the mother who wrote this must have had a child who was plagued with chronic constipation so having her child have a bowel movement was a blessing. I don’t think Matt or I have ever said “hooray for poop!” We do the “rock, paper, scissors” trick to decide who the unlucky person will be to change the diaper.

12. You think before you speak.

You probably begin doing more of this when your child can repeat what you have said. I remind Matt all the time that both of our moms will kill us when Harper says a “four letter word” that isn’t poop, darn, or fart. Plus, we will have to stop talking about our crazy relatives and the oddly dressed person in the grocery store because I have heard that kids can be like a talking parakeet. We are working on this!

13. You become a morning person. (Hooray for watching the sun rise!)

Unfortunately sleeping-in these days is not an option. This issue is probably exacerbated just a bit since Harper sleeps with us. How can you sleep when Harper begins yelling “DaDa” at 6am. Even when Matt tries to ignore him, Harper whacks Matt in the nose and continues to yell “dada, dada, dada”. He has recently become fascinated with sticking his finger up your nose as well – hard to sleep under these conditions, so you just give up around 6:04 am. Half the time on Saturdays and Sundays we have had breakfast, coffee, done all of our errands and Harper has already had a quick morning nap by 9am.

14. If you have a son, you no longer curse men. (Hooray for all men!)

Yes you do – especially if you are the only female in the house. I have a great deal of respect and admiration for Matt’s mom – I don’t know how you ever kept your sanity. I am now having to be modest in my own house and I only have a one year old. Harper has recently discovered that the female body is different than his and daddy’s – like every other boy he has noticed boobs! I now have to be conscious about changing in front of him because he points and says “da” and laughs. I have no clue what his tiny brain is thinking but I guess boys will be boys.

15. Your love becomes limitless, a superhuman power.

Any parent knows this to be true. Who knew that you could hold so much love in your heart for one little being. You love them even when they wake you at 3 in the morning crying, when there is snot all of your shirt before you have even gone to work, when they crush goldfish crackers into tiny pieces into the carpet, when you change their diaper and they poop only two seconds after you have put on the new one and when they give you an open mouth kiss before they have even chewed up half of their lunch!

We are learning to appreciate every little annoying thing because before you know it they won’t need you anymore and you will only wish that they were still small enough to sleep with you or rock them to sleep in your arms. These are the greatest things about being a parent…. There is no other time in your life where you are needed, wanted and loved by another person who thinks you are the absolute best!

Until next time.....

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Bah Bump! Bah Bump! Bah Bump!

Well today it feels VERY real. We had our second doctor's appt this morning and we got to hear BB's heart beat for the first time (with mine echoing in the background). This is one of the several moments during the course of pregnancy / birth that really makes you realize what a miraculous process creating another life really is! The heart beat was steady and strong.

That was obviously the climatic moment of the appointment - everything else was pretty routine and I am still healthy and gaining weight:

I gained 2 more pounds
I peed in a cup and all is good (who knows what that really means)
My blood pressure was 120/60
And all of my labs came back great - I'm not anemic, I don't have HIV, Syphilis, or any other STD and I am immune to German Measles - thanks mom, for having me immunized when I was younger.

Dr. Sharp said everything looked so good that I should continue doing what I have been doing. I'm sure he isn't aware that I have been gorging myself on Halloween candy for the last week and a half. But, maybe that is the secret!

Also, as a side note, I realized today that Dr. Sharp sort of resembles Harry Connick, Jr. (which is defintely not a bad thing) and sounds just like him - but he assured me that he doesn't play the piano. I think he has heard this resemblance before because he sort of laughed it off :)

I am now officially entering my second trimester - the good times as I remember them from Harper! Still feeling good and can't believe how fast time flies.

Until next time....