Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Holidays

We made it through the holidays and I can only wonder how many pounds I have gained. As we all can attest, it is hard enough to get through the holidays in a normal state let alone being almost 5 months pregnant! It seems this is the period in your pregnancy where you are famished at all times. There are moments that I feel that I haven't eaten in days and realize it was only about 1/2 hour ago that I had an entire meal!

Besides having an insatiable appetite, my heartburn is also quite bothersome. But, I think I sort of bring this one on myself - I think any normal person would have heartburn after eating tater tots saturated in vinegar (my favorite) followed up with 2 frosted holiday cookies. TUMS are my best friend these days - I don't go anywhere without them. Matt was very kind and even included a deluxe plastic box of them in my stocking. I guess pregnant women and old people are the only ones that are lucky enough to get something that aids in digestion from Santa!

At this point in my pregnancy I am just beginning the time where sleep is approaching "uncomfortable". Sleeping on my back is almost not an option anymore. When it happens accidentally, I wake up with back that feels like it has been beaten with a sledge hammer and legs that are tingly. So, sleeping on one of your sides is about the only option that doesn't create a bad start to your day! I guess it never helps when you have only a sliver of a king size bed because Harper is sleeping diagonal, the dogs are on either side of my legs and there are at least 2 Elmo toys and some random dog toys scattered throughout the bed. I wonder if the pain could be perpetuated by the environment?

This week I have also started wearing the Baby Plus monitor both morning and night. It is a belt that my friend Kristine loaned me during Harper's pregnancy and didn't get returned before the 2nd pregnancy. But, she gave me permission to use it again. I guess she thought I was the only one crazy enough to get pregnant again so soon and she would hold off! Baby Plus is a belt monitor that you wear for one hour 2 times per days. Here is the jist of the product outlined by their website (

BabyPlus is a series of 16 scientifically designed rhythmic sounds that resemble a mother's heartbeat. The rhythm of the sounds increases incrementally and sequentially as the pregnancy progresses. The BabyPlus sound pattern introduces your child to a sequential learning process, built upon the natural rhythms of their own environment.

They don't tell you that for two hours of the day you walk around sounding like a time bomb that only gets faster with each passing week. But, the claims / results are both powerful and intriguing. By wearing the monitor, Baby Plus makes the following pregdictions about babys whose mothers wear this "education system".

BabyPlus® babies at birth and infancy:

1. Develop better sleeping patterns - Harper has always been a child who is easy to put to sleep. He hasn't ever made too big of a fuss about bedtime. But, who would when they got to sleep in a king size bed with mommy and daddy? I guess I believe this one about 75%.

2. More readily nurse - This one I believe in wholeheartedly. Harper has always been ready to eat from the time he was born. But then again, he could have inherited my appetite.

3. Have increased ability to self soothe - Maybe / Maybe not. But, he hasn't ever been a child that whines too much. Even at birth he wasn't a baby that cried alot.

4. Are more interactive and responsive - Very true. But, his mother is a complete extrovert so he might have inhertied this too.

5. Are more relaxed and alert at birth - Alert, yes. Relaxed, no. From the time Harper was born he has always had to let the world know he is around. His screams could be heard all of the hospital for the first 1/2 hour after he was born. He has a very strong set of lungs!

I guess we will see about the ones below. Although the last one is defintley not turning out to be true. He has the shortest attention span I know!

And later in life, these children demonstrate:
Earlier developmental milestones
Improved school readiness
Improved intellectual abilities
Greater curiosity and independence, and
Longer attention spans

Of course I have said in my previous blogs that I don't buy into old wive's tales, but I will be honest and say that I do buy into modern marketing gimicks that have claims as powerful as these. I guess we have felt good enough about Haper's beginning months and current abilities and development that we don't want to deprive BB of any phenomenal educational opportunities in the womb. Only time will tell.

Hope your holidays were full of cheer. Ours was very "Elmo" inclusive but lots of fun. Harper now has so many toys that we wonder what life is going to be life when we have another one! I guess our house will be completely consumed for the next several years with odd toys and devices that don't exactly match the decor of the house or accentuate any your the furniture. But, we wouldn't have it any other way. We are starting to get use to having Fisher Price toys that take up two shelves in our entertainment center where pictures and a beautiful glass vase use to be. These things have had to find new homes for now.

Hope you have a great rest of 2006 and feel pity on Matt and I as we drudge through hundreds of boy names to try and find the perfect one!

p.s. Here are a few pics of Harper during Christmas!

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